
In the spirit of making mental health services simpler to access, we believe it’s important to be transparent about the fees for our services. In addition to offering a limited number of reduced rate sessions, each mental health professional lists their full rate fees on their information page.

Why does therapy cost so much?

Simply put, therapy costs so much because public healthcare systems provide limited mental health services that are free and accessible. Many people, in turn, seek these services outside public healthcare systems in order to meet their mental health needs. Mental health professionals in the private sector face different expenses and circumstances that inform the rates they set for their services.


Adapted from Xris Hamilton

Where do my fees go?

Mental health professionals integrate a variety of expenses in to their session fees. It’s useful to note that session preparation, research, treatment planning, casenotes, and case consultations are all common responsibilities that consume time outside your scheduled session.  This breakdown provides a sense of how portions of your fees are commonly designated, however, each professional’s circumstance will vary.

40% goes toward administrative services and business expenses such as advertising, utilities, computer equipment and software, credit card/payment transaction fees, and supplies

20% goes toward income tax and CPP contributions

5% goes toward professional development, clinical supervision, and annual licensing fees

5% goes toward pro bono work

30% is personal income that goes toward living expenses, often including things like student loans, supporting loved ones and dependents, and out of pocket healthcare expenses